Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coupon Guilt

Ok... so I have to confess that I suffer some coupon guilt. Each time I enter a store that I'm about to get a great deal with... I enter with mixed anticipation and nervousness. The nervousness increases as I complete my shopping and enter the checkout counter. I reach into my envelope to pull out my wad of coupons, practically shaking prior to their response.

I'm always afraid I'll get caught. I know, I know... I'm not doing anything illegal, but I'm afraid that one day, they'll say "You can't do that". Take my latest drugstore trips...

Rite Aid -

I purchased:
Ben Gay Ultra Strength Patch - 5ct - 7.99 - on sale - 6.99
Kendall Antimicrobial non-stick pad - 10ct - 4.99
Bayer Contour Meter - 79.99 - on sale - 29.99

My total came to ~ $43.00

I then pulled out my envelope and handed the cashier:
-$5 off $25 front end purchase
-$1 off Ben Gay (Manufacturer's Coupon)
-$2 off 1st aid item
-$30.00 off Bayer Contour Meter (Manufacturer's Coupon)

My total after coupons = $4.12

At this point, I feel like the cashier is looking at me weird... and usually looking over the items purchased to make sure that they didn't make a mistake. They never really look confident with the transaction. I didn't even bother to tell her that my purchase also qualified for $7.00 back with Rite Aid's Single Check Rebate program. So far, I've earned about $22 back on my Rite Aid purchases. I quickly gathered my envelope and left the store, as I noticed a manager walking over to the register.

Rite Aid just gave me money. My consolation is that I used manufacturer's coupons, so I'm not really taking money from them... they will get something back.


CVS Trip #1

My first CVS trip went well too. My plan was to buy tresemme products, bayer asprin & edge shave gel. Fortunately, I remembered to scan my card at the coupon machine first. Out popped a $5 off of $15 on Tresemme products. I decided to wait to purchase those until I had worked out a plan. I also went to the Dr. earlier in the day and she gave me quite a lecture about taking a multi-vitamen. While checking out that section and gawking at the prices, I realized that these were on sale... so I did a few mental calculations and purchased:

3 One-A-Day Womens 60ct - 7.99 each
Crest Pro-Health 4.2 oz - 3.89 - on sale - 2.88
(and I let Drew raid the Easter Sale)
Jelly Beans - 2.99 - on sale - .75
Spice Drops - 2.99 - on sale - .75
Lifesaver Jelly Beans - 2.79 - on sale - .69
Creme Egg - .50

Then used:
-$4 off of $20 (really important to hand this first)
-.75 off Crest Pro-Health (manufacturer)
-2.00 off of 1 one-a-day women's (manufacturer)
-4.00 off of 2 one-a-day (manufacturer)

= $19.35

I paid with $12.99 in Extra Care Bucks and $6.36 cash

I got back $14.00 in Extra Care Bucks

Cash & change in ECBs = $5.35 total spent


CVS Trip #2

I went back tonight for the Tresemme products. I bought:
6 Tresemme hair products - $5.50 - on sale - 3 for $10
Edge Infused Shaving Gel - $3.29 - on sale - 2.89
Bayer Fast Acting Crystals - 2.99 - on sale - 2.00

I used:
-$5 off $15 Tresemme
- (6) $1 off Tresemme 24 hr body (manufacturer)
- $1 off Bayer Asprin (manufacturer)

Total = 13.21

Paid with $12 Extra Care Bucks & $1.21 Cash
Got back $14.89 Extra Care Bucks

Cash & change in ECBs = (1.77)

I made money on this transaction too!


So you can see why I'm wary when checking out. I've worked hard to get a better control over our finances, and I'm so nervous that one of these days, they'll stop me at the register and tell me that I can't do that. The confidence I'm gaining over being able to control our money could just be snatched away. I guess until that moment, I will continue to revel in my amazing deals... yes, I do place them where I can see them... my little make-shift displays are like my shopping trophies, placed where I can admire them.

PS: Mom, hope you don't mind hair-spray and toothpaste for Mother's Day!


  1. OMG, this is so funny. I go through the same thing. I told my husband that I feel like I am stealing their products. he he he : )
    I went to Publix and bought 2 of the one a day vitamins as well, the had a $5 off 2 store coupon plus the 2.00 off each that was in this weeks paper, plus they were on sale for 4.99 ... so I ended up paying 99 cents for both plus my penny item. The cashiers usually are very amazed and ask how did you do that.

    I find that it is a different level of fear and excitement with each store. I can't wait until sunday.

    Have a blessed day

  2. I feel the same way as you do about using coupons! I actually couldn't have said it better myself. Eventhough you are doing nothing wrong, you almost feel as if you are because you are getting such a great deal! I guess it is all part of the life of a couponer.
